Get Ready to Rock Your Runs with Virtual Support!
In an ideal world we’d all get out with our run buddies and crews and enjoy the fun social benefits running has to offer. But sometimes life throws you lemons (aka. COVID-19). So we make lemonade!
This fall, after 20 years of coaching running clinics I took all my content, resources and information and transformed both my popular Learn to Run and Run Strong Clinics into robust online courses!
And that was awesome. My latest rounds of clinics both enjoyed having these resources at their fingertips (especially once we couldn’t meet live!).
But there’s something more to just great content….
The content in my Run for Fitness and Run Strong Courses will give you everything you need (technically). But it’s the community that bridges the “gap” between running theory and bringing your practice to life! It’s about having a Crew that is looking for your accountability selfie (if you’re so inspired) and coaches to provide (loving) prods and reminders as well as answer your questions.
Introducing the Super You RunCrew Club!
Here’s what’s included in your monthly membership:
- Program plans and handouts for all levels from just getting started to the following distances: 5k, 8k, 10k, 1/2 and Marathon
- Video and text based lessons on everything from the science of running and injury prevention to nutrition for distance running and mindset! (scroll down to see the entire curriculum).
- Follow along strength training, foam rolling, yoga and flexibility videos to help you build functional strength and flexibility to keep you injury free and running well!
- Membership in our private Facebook Community for connection, inspiration, camaraderie and support!
- Monthly challenges and virtual “events” to inspire your running mojo going.
- Access to the Run Crew Coaches for questions, support and accountability.
- Monthly Zoom Calls with Gillian and special guests to learn and grow as a runner (and connect as a virtual crew)!
What’s the investment?
$29.95 per month. No contract. No funny clauses. Cancel any time if it’s not serving and supporting YOU!