Shed the weight (of body shaming) and feel truly free this summer!
I hear from clients all the time that they’ll “never wear shorts” or “never swim in public” because they’re too nervous about being seen (read: judged) for their body. It hurts my heart.
I’m frustrated that we live in a world that makes people feel like their body needs to look a certain way to have “permission” to wear certain things. But even more so, I’m frustrated that these people are missing out on making beautiful summer memories!
Last year I started this fun little challenge as a way to start a really important dialogue. I wanted more women to release their inhibitions and body shame and really connect to the joy and freedom of enjoying the fun of summer!
My Challenge to You:
This summer I want to inspire you to jump in, have fun and repeat! Whether it’s wearing your suit and going for a swim at your local pool or lake with your kids, or wearing shorts and beating the heat, I want you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace your awesome body.
How to enter to WIN!
Take a picture of yourself taking the plunge and rocking your suit, shorts or whatever feels like you shedding the weight of body shaming and inspire the people in your life to do the same. Let’s create a beautiful ripple effect of body loving this summer!
To enter: share (on Facebook or Instagram) and tag your photo with #besuperyoubathingsuitchal