Broccoli Pasta Salad

Broccoli Pasta Salad

Broccoli salad always grossed me out as a kid, but I love it as an adult. But it’s not exactly known for its health value!! This pasta salad was inspired the idea of a healthier take on the traditional! two small heads of broccoli, blanched & cooled 2C of...
Are you getting your 10 a day?

Are you getting your 10 a day?

Hey, wait a sec, I thought it was 5-10 per day?! It was. But new research looking at worldwide data involving over 2 million people is now indicating that 10 servings per day is more supportive of good health & disease prevention. 10 servings – is associated with...
Is your health worth 2% of your time?

Is your health worth 2% of your time?

I know summer can be tricky. Schedules go sideways and sometimes it seems impossible to sneak anything for yourself and workouts slip away. BUT, if you plan for your summer NOW I bet you can find just 5 30-minute windows of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic...
Fitness FAQ: is HIIT for every body?

Fitness FAQ: is HIIT for every body?

HIIT (high intensity interval training) is awesome. It’s a great way to rev your systems, challenge your cardiovascular system and push your anaerobic threshold (science speak for push your body’s ability to really push) and it’s efficient. In...
Fitness FAQ: Training 101

Fitness FAQ: Training 101

The human body is an amazing thing – it can adapt to the demands we place on it with remarkable speed, but not quite as fast as some people might think. This time of year I am so inspired by the volume of people who take up running and other sport. But it also...