by Gillian Goerzen | Jul 28, 2020 | Healthy Living
10 ways Diet Culture is infiltrating our lives (and minds) and what we can do to take action to be informed, educated and empowered in our bodies. I’ve recently finished the NEW book Anti-Diet by HAESĀ® informed Registered Dietitian and Intuitive Eating...
by Gillian Goerzen | Jul 21, 2020 | Nutrition
I know you know this, but hydration is important. How important? Well your body is about 60-70% water by mass. It’s essential for pretty much everything we do.It’s especially important if you like to get out there and do cool things in the summer (read:...
by Gillian Goerzen | Jul 15, 2020 | Healthy Living
How the simple sign off from our rockstar BC Provincial Health Officer may just be the best advice out there for getting through this pandemic (and life) healthy, happy and well. In case you missed it, the Provincial Health Officer in BC is a total rockstar. Not only...