
Can you say Ch-ch-ch-changes?!

Are the things you’ve typically done for movement not available right now or not of interest to you at the moment?

You’re not alone.

I talk to a lot of “displaced” exercisers. And people feeling generally un-inspired and un-motivated to move.

The first thing I want you to hear is this:
You are not alone. And what you’re experiencing is common and normal.

One of the top pieces of advice I’m giving to people is to be open and curious to trying new forms of exercise right now. Use this time as a big old experiment! Instead of being sad you can’t do the things you “want” to do – view it as an opportunity to explore! Try new activities. See what “sticks” and see what happens!

Remember, right now all movement is good movement. So focus on moving for mental health and to feel good!

Below is a list of 15 things you can do right now to move your awesome body. All of which are physically distant and super awesome.

  1. Walk. Walking is awesome, accessible and a great form of movement. Want all my reasons why? Read this blog I wrote about it.
  2. Yoga online. One of my fave YouTube channels (free) is Yoga with Adriene. But also keep in mind that a lot of wonderful locally owned Yoga Studios are innovating (pivoting) and offering online options. If you want to see these studios open after this is done, consider supporting their business and attending a virtual class!
  3. Rollerblade. Dust them off and get them out! I’m not joking. I had a client do this. #rad
  4. Hula hoop. Again. I had a client do this. #rad
  5. Hopscotch! Map out an epic circuit of hopscotch and fun physical challenges (walking, weaving, hopping, jumping…). Challenge yourself and your kids!
  6. Dance in your living room. Put on a play list, rock out. #awesome
  7. Run. It’s a great way to move. Join us in the NEW (and completely virtual RunCrew Club and jump in on our RunCrew BINGO! Can we say F-U-N?!
  8. Do a Livestream workout with me! I appreciate your business too. Thank you.
  9. Road Bike solo or with a physically distant friend.
  10. Mountain Bike same rules apply. Have fun!
  11. Hike! Try to stick with your local community in keeping with regional guidelines.
  12. Gardening. Bonus: grow some food! Movement and nutrition! #winning
  13. Watersports like kayaking, paddle boarding or canoeing.
  14. Pick up sports! Frisbee, one-on-one basketball or soccer (with someone you live with).
  15. Swim outdoors! Ok. That might be a bit early (unless you have a wetsuit). But soon!

Whatever you do, try it with an open mind and have fun!

And remember, the beauty of this unprecedented time is you can simply “try it on” and decide after the pandemic that you don’t love it and pivot back. But just be advised… you may just find something you’re passionate about! How cool is that?! I call that a pandemic pivot #win.