The Practice of Mindful Eating

The Practice of Mindful Eating

Be honest. Have you ever sat down to watch a movie with a bowl of popcorn and before you know it your hand hits the bottom of the bowl? Yeah. Me too. Have you ever noticed how much you don’t notice eating? It’s easy to get onto “autopilot” when...
Why I LOVE Canada’s New Food Guide

Why I LOVE Canada’s New Food Guide

Health Canada recently released their long awaited update to the Food Guide and I could not be more excited. Not only have they done away with confusing portions and servings (that no one can remember anyway), they’ve incorporated some of the very important...

QUICK SuperYum Recipes for Busy People

I get it. Cooking from scratch feels overwhelming and downright impossible sometimes. Here are my go-to faves that are genuinely start to in the belly in 20 minutes FLAT.  Make weeknights a BREEZE and feel fabulous! Click on the image to view the recipe...
A Detailed Meal Plan is Not the Answer

A Detailed Meal Plan is Not the Answer

There is no meal plan you can follow that will magically give you the lasting results you desire. I get it, understanding what to eat is starting to feel like nuclear science. Macro’s, low-carb, high-fat…eat this/ not that…nutrition is getting...