Be Healthy on Your Terms This Year

Be Healthy on Your Terms This Year

It’s already begun. My news feed is already populating with sponsored posts telling me it’s time to “get healthy.” That it’s time to “lose that COVID/ Christmas bulge” and get “on track.” The core message: my body...
The Practice of Mindful Eating

The Practice of Mindful Eating

Be honest. Have you ever sat down to watch a movie with a bowl of popcorn and before you know it your hand hits the bottom of the bowl? Yeah. Me too. Have you ever noticed how much you don’t notice eating? It’s easy to get onto “autopilot” when...
Be Body Positive #5: Ditch the Diet

Be Body Positive #5: Ditch the Diet

Here’s the thing about fad diets, detailed meal plans, cleanses, “detoxing” and various other diet methods. They don’t work long term. In fact across the research 1/3 to 2/3 of dieters regain the weight (and often times more) within 2-3 years....