by Gillian Goerzen | Jan 26, 2021 | Body Positive
This is a fundamental tenet of my entire Super You philosophy: there is no one right way to be healthy. No rules or plan to follow. Just you tuning into the practices and strategies that serve and support you on your path to authentic health. And it sounds so, simple...
by Gillian Goerzen | Jun 18, 2020 | Body Positive, Inspiration
The other day I was scrolling my Facebook memories with my eldest son Connor peaking over my shoulder. We scrolled upon an old sweaty selfie from about 5 years ago, and he commented… “You look different.” I asked him, “how so?”...
by Gillian Goerzen | Jul 5, 2018 | Inspiration
If I see one more headline about being ‘bathing suit ready’ I might vomit. Warning: I’m about to jump up on my soapbox for a hot minute, but bear with me because I have someĀ tangibleĀ advice to offer too. And a REALLY exciting Challenge to help you...