by Gillian Goerzen | Jun 15, 2021 | Intuitive Eating
Do you ever eat and then like an hour later you’re like “I can’t possibly be hungry again?!” Within the practice of Intuitive Eating, we innately trust our bodies and honour our hunger…if we’re hungry, we eat. And, we also recognize...
by Gillian Goerzen | Jun 1, 2021 | Intuitive Eating, Nutrition
In our Diet Culture-driven relationship with food one of the core messages (beyond you must diet to be “healthy”), is that food and your relationship with it is a moral one. There are good foods and bad foods. There are also good and bad habits around...
by Gillian Goerzen | Dec 15, 2020 | Inspiration
I’ve got a really important holiday message for you. It has the potential to totally shift how you view the next few weeks of your life (possibly longer). And massively increase the joy you experience. Who doesn’t need a bit more joy right now?! Am I...
by Gillian Goerzen | Oct 27, 2020 | Nutrition
Why is it that as a culture we seem so bent and determined to declare and talk about our style of eating? So much so, that it’s common to know how your friends, work colleagues and even strangers approach to food. Oh, he’s keto, or they’re...
by Gillian Goerzen | Sep 1, 2020 | Nutrition
For years I just thought I didn’t have enough self-control. I’d be so “good” all day, then come the afternoon or evening, I’d LOSE it and eat all the things. And then I’d feel the tremendous guilt for eating all the things, so...