Just Breathe (deeply)

Just Breathe (deeply)

Breath is essential to life. So essential it’s a complete automatic function of the body (thanks brain)! But have you ever noticed what happens to your breath when you’re stressed or overwhelmed? If you’re like most, you tend to breathe into your...
Craft a Unique Plan: Find Your Fit

Craft a Unique Plan: Find Your Fit

If you’re just getting started with more focus on movement, I highly recommend simply focusing on just moving your body in ways you enjoy. Don’t over-complicate things with complex plans and detailed exercise regimens. You don’t need to hit the gym...
Fitness FAQ: When should I stretch?

Fitness FAQ: When should I stretch?

Before I launch into my general rule of thumb, first I want to talk about WHY you should stretch.   When you exercise your contracting muscles effectively shorten. In order to prevent tightness (aka return them to pre-exercise length) it’s important to complete...