
This recipe is simple, quick & saves beautifully. And it serves 4 – hello prep queen!

1 C quinoa (dry) – cooked
2T almond butter
2T apple cider vinegar
3T bragg (natural soy sauce – less processed than regular soy sauce)
2T sesame oil (other oils will work – I just like the flavour for this dish)
1/4 red cabbage, chopped
1 red pepper, diced
1/4 red onion (2-3 green onion would be better but I didn’t have any)
4 carrots, chopped
Cilantro (again nice…didn’t have)
1 flat (about 1lb) of ground turkey, seasoned with pink salt, pepper & garlic powder & cooked

Cook & cool the quinoa (in 2C of water per instructions) and the turkey.

In a large bowl whist together the almond butter, apple cider vinegar & bragg. Add in ingredients & stir! I mixed it all together when it was slightly warm. Delicious. Plus it wilted the cabbage slightly. Yum yum. Leftovers were equally amazing.