Grace, Space + Permission Slips

Grace, Space + Permission Slips

I talk a lot about giving ourselves grace and space. It’s a topic I’ve written about before. But I think it bears repeating for a few reasons. Why is it so important? Because in this world of highlight reels and high expectations there is a lot of...


As I re-listened to BrenĂ© Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection the section about HOPE really struck me. She talked about Snyder’s Hope Theory. FASCINATING. He makes the distinction that hope isn’t an emotion, but a thought process. Hopeful people have...
Do you embrace struggle?

Do you embrace struggle?

You know that habit you want to change or that new one you want to create? Yeah, we all have one (or 20). So why is it so HARD? If we really want it – as much as we say we do, why does it feel so difficult? I see this a lot when I’m coaching clients...