by Gillian Goerzen | Nov 3, 2020 | Inspiration
Last night on our final Super You Mindset Group call one of the participants shared this “aha” with the group. I’ll paraphrase for confidentiality… I’ve come to recognize that when it comes to shifting my habits I move glacially, and...
by Gillian Goerzen | Apr 24, 2019 | Healthy Living, Inspiration
Have you ever tried to do to many things at the same time? Ummmm, yeah. #human Tell me, how’d it turn out? I don’t know about you…but for me it looked like this: S T R E S S . O V E R W H E L M . F A I L U R E . Sigh. But I have good news....
by Gillian Goerzen | Mar 12, 2019 | Healthy Living
I was recently introduced to the Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz’s acronym W.I.N. I was immediately in love with it. Here’s how the story goes. The story of W.I.N. Holtz instructed his players to ask themselves this question 35 times a day. He wanted...