FAQ: Are Stair Repeats Good for Fitness?

FAQ: Are Stair Repeats Good for Fitness?

Great question! My answer? It depends (shocking, I know)! As we’ve been exploring these past few weeks with my FAQ posts (check them out here and here), fitness is a very relative term. If you’re looking for good overall health and fitness (aka you...
Heck No FOMO!

Heck No FOMO!

In case you didn’t know, September is the second coming of January in the world of health & fitness. So if you haven’t noticed already the marketing to get you “on board” and “back on the wagon” has commenced. Which means...
Fitness FAQ: is HIIT for every body?

Fitness FAQ: is HIIT for every body?

HIIT (high intensity interval training) is awesome. It’s a great way to rev your systems, challenge your cardiovascular system and push your anaerobic threshold (science speak for push your body’s ability to really push) and it’s efficient. In...