The Power of 4% Shifts

The Power of 4% Shifts

Have you ever tried to do to many things at the same time? Ummmm, yeah. #human Tell me, how’d it turn out? I don’t know about you…but for me it looked like this: S T R E S S . O V E R W H E L M . F A I L U R E . Sigh. But I have good news....
Counting your blessings adds up to success!

Counting your blessings adds up to success!

Happy New Year! It’s a new year and for many that brings New Years Resolutions and new goals. I hope you caught my 6-day LIVE Webcast at www.facebook.com/superyoufit (if not, feel free to scroll back and watch those replays). In them I talked all about my 6-step...
Tuna Salad with Curry Vinaigrette

Tuna Salad with Curry Vinaigrette

Do you ever get to lunch or dinner and you’re on your own and there’s “nothing” to eat? Keep a can of tuna in the cupboard and this simple salad is great with pretty much whatever veg you’ve got in the fridge! (serves 1) >2C veggies (I...