Top 10 Tips for New Runners

Top 10 Tips for New Runners

You can run. Really, you can! When you’re first starting I know it can feel overwhelming. If you go to Google there is so much information, and it’s easy to get stuck in information overload or analysis paralysis and do nothing at all! Here’s the...
Press the Spring Reset Button!

Press the Spring Reset Button!

Note: I originally published this article pre-COVID – but I really think every action step I provide is relevant and helpful for re-establishing healthy routines during this transitional and challenging time. Have a read, and don’t forget to be gentle with...
The Power of 4% Shifts

The Power of 4% Shifts

Have you ever tried to do to many things at the same time? Ummmm, yeah. #human Tell me, how’d it turn out? I don’t know about you…but for me it looked like this: S T R E S S . O V E R W H E L M . F A I L U R E . Sigh. But I have good news....