Bring Joy, Move More!

Bring Joy, Move More!

What if I told you finding your movement mojo had less to do with that elusive magical unicorn of “motivation,” and more to do with you finding the joy? Um, sounds kinda “airy fairy” Gillian. I know, but walk with me (literally, if possible)....
Walking is Awesome – and so are you!

Walking is Awesome – and so are you!

Several times in the last week I’ve had clients say to me (in various forms), “I just can’t seem to get out for a run or do a workout…so I’ve just been walking.” This is usually said with a tone of guilt and an air of...
Are you doing the Pandemic Pivot?

Are you doing the Pandemic Pivot?

Can you say Ch-ch-ch-changes?! Are the things you’ve typically done for movement not available right now or not of interest to you at the moment? You’re not alone. I talk to a lot of “displaced” exercisers. And people feeling generally...