by Gillian Goerzen | Jun 21, 2018 | Recipes
This simple quinoa salad came together in a flash (which was great because while I knew I wanted to create it, I forgot to do it until the last minute (you know, when people are whining about being hungry). Here’s what I threw in a bowl (literally): 1C cooked...
by Gillian Goerzen | Jun 1, 2016 | Recipes
I feel like you can never truly go wrong with a salad that has grapes and goat cheese. Am I wrong? This one is especially simple if you’ve got some prepped rice in the fridge! Enjoy! 1T olive oil 2T apple cider vinegar 1t honey 1t dry mustard 1/2t garlic powder...
by Gillian Goerzen | Apr 15, 2016 | Recipes
Simple. SO simple. You need: zuchini peppers chicken breast cooked quinoa apple cider vinegar avocado oil s&p How to make it: Turn on the BBQ to medium Put Chicken Breasts on and brush with a small amount of avocado oil Cut up Zuchini lengthwise and peppers in...
by Gillian Goerzen | Jun 29, 2015 | Recipes
This delicious salad is lovely served with BBQ’d pork chops but would be great with grilled chicken or simply on its own as a simple lunch! Best part – the leftovers just got better! mmm. Leftovers. 1C Wild Rice cooked & cooled( I used the try roots...
by Gillian Goerzen | Jun 19, 2015 | Recipes
This is a nice simple one for the summer! Lovely on it’s own as I’ve shown or in a bun with the usual fixings! For the turkey patty: 1 flat of ground turkey 1 grated apple 1/2C rolled oats 2T red onion minced chopped chives & parsley S&P. Grilled...