Rice Salad with Tarragon Vinaigrette

Rice Salad with Tarragon Vinaigrette

I feel like you can never truly go wrong with a salad that has grapes and goat cheese. Am I wrong? This one is especially simple if you’ve got some prepped rice in the fridge! Enjoy! 1T olive oil 2T apple cider vinegar 1t honey 1t dry mustard 1/2t garlic powder...
Simple Pickled Beets

Simple Pickled Beets

I love beets. I’m not private about my love affair with them. I like them roasted, in salads, on their own, raw, grated, pretty much any way. I also love all things pickled. So this is one of my faves to the nth degree. 4-6 Cooked & peeled beets, sliced in...
Superyum Chocolate Bark

Superyum Chocolate Bark

Treat alert! Treat alert. I created this recipe because I felt like something YUMMY and I was TRAPPED at home with the kids fast asleep and I only had 1/8C chocolate chips. The result? #gillicious 1/8C dark chocolate chips 1t coconut oil 4 dates pitted & chopped...
Super Glory Bowl

Super Glory Bowl

A client shared this delicious concoction with me and directed me to this recipe. But as per usual I tweaked it to make it a little healthier/ make use of the ingredients I had on hand (just a smidge – it’s pretty darn healthy already). I also came up with...
Super Simple Tortilla Pizza

Super Simple Tortilla Pizza

OkĀ  – I’m not sure I can really call this a recipe – it’s more of an idea. But it’s a consistent hit at our house (by the eaters and the cookers). The kids are happy because well … PIZZA. I’m happy because well…nearly NO...